GM70 PP monoblockIntroduction
In the past , I never intend to build tube amp that using voltage over 1000V because it is very dangerous to deal with high voltage. So I never build tube amp that using tube like 211 , 845 , 833A etc.
But a few month ago I met with my friend who have GM70PP diy amp that he not satisfaction to it and he asking me to modify it for him. After I take a look at that amp , I found that they using the poor design and poor parts also many area are still not secure to use , such as too small wiring cable , small wattage of resister and no breeder and it chassis look not so nice so I decise to re build it to new amp keeping only transformer , socket , connector and some capacitor.
The design
My new design are using Cca for input tube and split phase my Electraprint Autoformer that I success to use with my F2A PP , driver tube is 6V6 both Cca and 6V6 are using Ixys 10M45S CCS chip loading and output are Gm70 using fix bias.
ConstructionThis is very big and heavy amp , I construct it to monoblock but it's still heavy , it have big Power transformer for high voltage and filarment for GM70 another trabsformer for input and driver tube , 2 big choke and the last it very big output transformer from Lundahl
All the part is using very good quality that I take ie from the previous chassis , connector are WBT for RCA and Binding post , C coupling are Mundolf silver/gold , R almost using Kiwame.
under chassis
I have some problem when I finished it , it have very lound hum , I try many method to reduce the hum , but still there untill I found that the hum is come from GM70 socket the are loosing after I fix it so everything are OK
The sound.
After I test it with my friend high end system , he using Watt/puppy 7 , Audio research reference 3 for pre amp , and CD transport are CEC with Mark levenson DAC , sorry that I forgot the model. I think it sound is very nice , strong and some backup power when playing classic , high is OK , I heard some sound that I think that I never here from SE system that he have ( he also using 300B PSE from KR enterprise ) , only middle that SE is still better but overall it's sound very good but I can't compare too other PP amp that using other tube such as EL34 , 6550 or KT88.
Currently I change the input tube from Siemens Cca to Tung sol 5687 , I think the sound are more better than Cca version , bass is more realistic also high are better too.