Jan 2007.
My system is
6C33C-B SE 10W Nobu Shishido design
R120 SE 1.5W drive by ML-6
EL156 SE 10W drive by C3m
F2A PP 12.5W drive by EF12K and electraprint autofomer
Pre amplifier
26 choke load Jim de Kort design
Ptt2s resister load
Liepzig Funkwerk L3060PB with compressor horn copy to Kalngfilm Eurodyn design box
EF804s with 1:10 step up transfomer
Turn table
Garrard 301
Tone arm
SME3009 mark II
Denon DL-103
CD transport
Meracus Tanto
TDA 1541 dual dac design by Thorben with 6C45Pii output tube
Inter connect cable
Homegrown Silver Lace
Speaker cable
Alphacore Mi-1 x 2
Will be more soon......................